UNS — Student Associations for Nature Lovers (Mapala) in Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta cleaned UNS lake and released 1,000 Nila fish seeds. The activity was held under the collaboration of nine student associations for nature lovers in UNS. This event was participated by around 80 students from various programs in Mapala.

The program was also attended by the Chief of Students and Academic Bureau UNS, Drs. Rohman Agus Pratomo also opened the program. In his opening remark, he hoped that similar activities could be held continuously.

“This program is very positive. In the future, it could collaborate with other activities. This lake flows into the Bengawan Solo River; thus, if this lake is clean, Bengawan Solo will also benefit from this program. Stay solid and keep your togetherness,” Drs. Rohman Agus Pratomo stated.

Student Associations for Nature Lovers UNS Cleaned UNS Lake and Released 1,000 Fish Seeds

Considering the site of the program, he also reminded the participants to ensure safety, although UNS Lake is relatively shallow due to sedimentation. However, all participants were required to wear safety equipment such as helmets and life vests. Two rubber boats and six canoes were used to facilitate the cleaning process.

Agung Prasetyo as the coordinator of the program, stated that the program was divided into several posts. Starting from the east part, west part, and north part of the lake.

Student Associations for Nature Lovers UNS Cleaned UNS Lake and Released 1,000 Fish Seeds

“We cleaned the lake first, then released 1,000 Nila fish seeds. Hopefully, this (activity) becomes a new start, and in the future (we) could do something bigger,” Agung hoped.

The Mapala group that participated in this program were Mapala UNS, Mapala Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIP), Mapala Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Mapala Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Mapala Faculty of Law (FH), Mapala Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB), Mapala Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Mapala Faculty of Engineering (FT), and Mapala Faculty of Medical Science (FK). Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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