UNS — Professor in Environmental Pollution Science Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Prof. Dr. Prabang Setyono, S.Si., M.Si., shared materials on the Added Values of University and Industry Synergy in Entrepreneurship Activities. He shared the materials as a speaker in an online workshop held by the Center for General Courses Development and Management (P3MKU) Institute of Educational Quality Assurance and Development (LPPMP) UNS through the Zoom Cloud Meeting on Monday (4/4/2022).

Prof. Prabang stated that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 affected various aspects of life, including Human Resources development design, requiring leading, high-quality, and competitive human resource development. “Thus, a synergy of policies between university and industry, as well as workplace, is needed. Therefore, an agile and beautiful ecosystem could be created,” Prof. Prabang stated.

In supporting the development of leading human resources, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) also encourages higher education transformation through eight Key Performance Indicators (IKU). In terms of General Courses (MKU) of Entrepreneurship, students have the opportunity to gain external experiences (internship, rural project, teaching, research, entrepreneurship, and student exchange), collaborative and participative class (evaluation using case study method), and professional teaching from the industry.

“Entrepreneurship program needs to be fully supported because entrepreneurship is vital in filling the gap between university and industry,” Prof. Prabang added.

He mentioned this strategy as a dual platform strategy for industry 4.0. Because in university, students were asked ‘what do you know’ while the industry asked ‘what can you do.’ Thus, the learning process needs to shift from Mono & Intern disciplinary to Multi & Transdisciplinary that does not refer to one knowledge subject in separate boxes, but in the form of flexible learning covering all knowledge subjects. Prof. Prabang also suggested a paradigm shift from theory building to problem-solving that does not focus on theory but the practical implication of the knowledge. “How to solve an issue and sees social problems as a problem solver.”

UNS Professor Shared the Added Values of University and Industry Synergy in Entrepreneurship Activities

He also suggested the shift from process-oriented to outcome-oriented, which focuses on actual results from learning, and from rigid to flexible learning. “And can be adjusted to the current development,” he added. Other suggestions are moving from analog to digital, emphasizing digital skill and native digital, from triple helix to multiple helixes by adding new elements into the learning, such as community roles and environmental interaction, and moving from executive to inclusive in responding to diverse needs of students.

Prof. Prabang added that the university is a miniature Process Decisions Program Chart (PDPC), a chart identifying anticipation steps in decision making. On the contrary, the industry continues to adjust to its consumers’ needs. Thus, it is essential for entrepreneurship courses to involve practices in their learning process and to synergize the course with the industry.

“It is a vital course for all students,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Lina Khoirun Nisa
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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