UNS — Faculty Member of Psychology Program Faculty of Medical Science (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta shared the psychological treatment for sexual violence survivors. Berliana Widi Scarvanovi, M.Psi., Psikolog served as one of the speakers in Seminar Inisiasi Advokasi Perempuan (SIAP) (Women Advocacy Initiation Seminar) held online through the Zoom Cloud Meeting on Friday (30/4/2021). One hundred and eighty participants attended the event, mostly are students from various universities in Indonesia. As the event’s initiator, the Student Executive Board (BEM) UNS, received wide appreciation for holding the event. 

In the event led by Putri Septiara Tauladani, the Chief in Ministry of Women Empowerment BEM UNS, Berliana shared the psychological treatment for sexual abuse survivors. She started with defining sexual violence as a form of sexual coercion. A person makes another person an object for unwanted comment, invitation, movement, physical contact, or direct request for sexual gratification. Sexual violence has a broader definition for women than men, explaining why more sexual violence occurs to women than men. 

Sexual violence brings diverse reactions on its victims depending on the severity of the attack, experience over the similar event, the support they received, personal and family mental health issues, and cultural and traditional backgrounds. These factors need to be considered in providing treatment and create a sense of safety for the victim. Appropriate psychological assistance aims to provide a sense of security, connectedness with others, and hope, besides helping the victims to gain social and emotional supports. The assistance also aims to empower the victim and ensure that they can cope with similar issues in the future.

“Peer counselor is important (in this case). Even though certain cases require professional intervention, peer counselors could help in the initial stage of sexual violence handling,” Berliana explained.

She added that participants could follow systematic psychological assistance to help the victims. The key in providing such help is to stay patient and calm as victims will not always share what they experience with others quickly. Providing safe distance and active listening is the basis to keep the victim talking. Empathy, free of judgment, and respecting the victim’s privacy will give room for victims to not feeling blamed for what happened to them. It is also essential to make the victim understand that they could ask for help any other time when they feel ready and that someone will listen to them. It is also essential that listeners do not share the victim’s story recklessly and maintain anonymity.

“It is possible to share in a certain context, such as academic context. Or discussion with friends who need input on the matters and discussion with professionals,” Berliana said.

Providing assistance, however, has limits that listeners should obey. First, the victim should be willing to be helped. Helpers only offer help and not forcing the victims to accept help. Secondly, understand personal awareness and ability. And lastly, if the problem is out of the helper’s ability, look for professional interventions. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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