UNS — Many generation Z and millennials entered the investment world to prepare a better financial system for the future. However, many are also foreign to the activity. The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held Webinar Digital Investment: Start Early, Get More Lucky! on Sunday (18/7/2021).

The webinar was held through Zoom Cloud Meetings and the official YouTube channel, inviting Nanda Luthfi Habib Mustofa, Vice-Director of Stock Investors UIN Bandung. In the webinar, Nanda explained several reasons that the young generation should start investing. The first reason is to prepare their future as their needs will grow in the future. Nanda also explained the financial cycle and gave an example of a 22 years old who usually have more spending than their income. Entering career or family life, they will have growing income and expenditure, accompanied with active monthly income.

“Then during the pension, around 55—60 years old, income decreased or there is no income. to support this period, we could have passive income (e.g., investment),” Nanda stated.

The second reason is that starting investment early is suggested with small capital to teach the young generation the opportunities and risks they will experience. Thus, the young generation can now learn while applying what they learned later after having a stable income.

The third reason is preparing the young generation for inflation or increasing prices of goods and services, which will reduce the value of money. Thus, the same amount of money will likely not purchase the same amount of goods in the future. Therefore, the young generation needs to invest their money in the instrument with a higher return than the inflation. Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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