UNS — “I often participated in a rally during my student’s days,” said Ikhlas Thamrin, opening the discussion on Wedangan Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (IKA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta series 102 on Wednesday (30/3/2022). Ikhlas stated that h often participated in a rally, especially around energy policies. However, after completing his study in the Faculty of Law (FH) UNS in 2005, he changed his mindset.

“I fully remember participating in a rally in Jakarta refusing the increase in fuel price. But after graduation, I started to think about what I could do to provide a solution in energy policies,” he stated.

Thus, since graduating, he has been actively finding a solution for Indonesian energy consumption. He argued that Indonesia is vulnerable to scarcity and high energy costs because the country has yet to adopt renewable and environmentally friendly energy.

His journey brought him to conduct long research since 2007, and in 2015 he launched a social movement and established PT Baterai Freeneg Generasi. The research brought an energy solution with a registered patent from the International Certificate Testing Technology (ICTT).

FH UNS Class 2001 students offered credit-based electric energy. He created products in the form of credit-based stoves and motorcycles using battery and token credit systems. Users of both products do not need to find a charging station when they run out of the battery but only need to recharge their credit through token purchase.

The products were Ikhlas’ first step in achieving his dream to create an electric ecosystem in Indonesia by 2030. The President Director of PT Baterai Freeneg Generasi’s next move is innovating the technology, achieving manufacturing sovereignty, and digitalization of economic system.

Ikhlas hoped his wish to build an electric ecosystem in Indonesia could be achieved through these three main focuses.

“I still remember a theory taught by Pak Drajat. If we want to make a change, there are four requirements, values, social movement, hero, and momentum. So, we need to hold these four requirements if we want to make a change. I truly remember these requirements and try to achieve them,” Ikhlas stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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