UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta deployed 1,492 students in UNS Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development (KKN) under the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) scheme for the February-July period, Tuesday (18/1/2022) morning. This deployment took place at the GPH Haryo Mataram Auditorium UNS while broadcasted through Zoom Cloud Meeting and the UNS Youtube channel.

In particular, the students participating in the UNS Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development were symbolically deployed by the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). The Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration RI, Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd., attended the virtual ceremony in person.

The ceremony was also attended by UNS Rector Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, SH, M. Hum., UNS Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, MS., Karanganyar Regent, Drs. Juliatmono, MM., Purworejo Regent, RH Agus Bastian, SE, MM., the university leaders, UNS faculties Deans, and representatives from partner institutions.

In his remark, Prof. Jamal states that UNS Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development is the duty of and a mandate for students in integrating the knowledge gained during their study to the actual conditions or problems faced by the community. Students shall become one of the most important national assets in carrying out movements and transformation with their idealistic nature. Prof. Jamal also encouraged the students’ roles and functions to contribute to the nation’s development.

“Students’ role and function are not only to study and be successful in their study. With the wealth of knowledge, ideas, and skills, students must also become active figures who contribute to the development and advancement of the nation,” said Prof. Jamal.

The UNS Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development as one of the nine MBKM activities implies that the learning process can take place anywhere, including in the community. Through strong interactions, synergies, and collaborations between universities and the real world, Prof. Jamal is optimistic that there will be young talents who will contribute to the development of Indonesia.

In this period of the student community service program, UNS designed four major health and economic recovery programs, which are still affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The programs are MSME Development, Productive Sector Digitization, Community Empowerment, and Humanitarian Projects. These programs were selected based on input from the City/Regional Government as the target area/objective of the UNS Thematic Community Service Program.

“We also agree that there are some serious problems faced by local governments, which require appropriate solutions to overcome the impact of technology disruption, both caused by the Covid – 19 Pandemic and the advancement of information technology,” said Prof. Jamal.

The presence of the UNS Thematic Student Community Service is expected to motivate, educate, and encourage regional community potential growth. Besides that, Prof. Jamal also hopes that through the MBKM program, students will be able to develop soft skills and a passion for solving cross-sectoral problems using a multidisciplinary approach.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Jamal expressed his gratitude to Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, as the Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, for attending the ceremony, providing direction, and officially deploying the students participating in UNS Thematic Student Community Service for Rural Development for the February – July 2022. His gratitude also extended to the Regent of Karanganyar and the Regent of Purworejo in representing the regional heads who would welcome UNS Thematic KKN students.

The remarks are concluded with congratulatory to the UNS KKN Management Unit, field supervisors, and all KKN participants who will carry out the community service duty in their respective regions for approximately 1 (one) month. Additionally, Prof. Jamal also prayed for all supervisors and KKN students to stay safe, healthy, and prosperous during their duty.

Deploying 1,492 Students in Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development, UNS Rector Reminds Students of Their Mandate and Duties

Meanwhile, UNS Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Ahmad Yunus, added that the UNS Thematic Student Community Service for Rural Development Program involved 1,492 students and 58 field supervisors. For this period, there are 10 (ten) participating faculties, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Faculty of Sports (FKOR), Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB), Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Law (FH), Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Faculty of Engineering (FT), and Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

Approximately 60 percent of the participating UNS students in this period Student Community Service will be deployed to various regions in Java. Meanwhile, there will be 14 students conducting their Community Service programs outside Java, and 6 (six) students will be deployed for Community Service Program in Timor Leste.

“The Thematic Student Community Service Program for Rural Development under the MBKM scheme will allow students to adjust their Community Service programs in line with the village development programs priority,” said Prof. Yunus. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga PA
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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