UNS — Enliven the National Sports Day (Hari Olahraga Nasional – Haornas) of 2020, the Faculty of Sports (FKOR) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a Ngobrol Pintar Tentang Keolahragaan (Ngopi Teko) part 4 on International Seminar Sport Commercialization: Best Practices and Challenges on Thursday (10/9/2020). The event held online through Zoom Clouds Meeting and live stream through Faculty of Sports UNS YouTube channel.

The event led by Pomo Warih Adi, S.Pd., M.Or., invited three speakers Dr. Jean-Francois Brocard from Associate Professor, CDES University of Limoges, France Secretary-General, International Axxociation of Sport Economics. Dr. Giambattista Rosi from Birkbrck, University of London, UK. And a former athlete and national coach of Indonesian pencak silat, Dr. Rony Syaifullah. The event was moderated by Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Ph.D.

The event was opened by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs UNS, Prof. Ahmad Yunus. He stated that a well-prepared learning method that adjusts with the current needs will bring a smooth, safe, and effective learning process for a physical education course. This is supported by the statement from the Dean of FKOR UNS, Dr. Sapta Kunta Purnama who mentioned that he hopes the forum can be used as an occasion to exchange knowledge, especially in the field of sports.

Pencak silat is the topic discussed by Dr. Rony who is one of the speakers from Indonesia. Many aspects contained in pencak silat namely spiritual, martial arts, arts and sports. Since 1980, this sport has an international federation named Persilat (Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antarbangsa – International Pencak Silat Alliance) established by four countries, Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.

Besides that, Rony also explained that several cultures in Indonesia share similar sports such as Lompat Batu Nias (Nias Stone Jumping Ritual), Lomba Karapan Sapi (Bull Racing Festival), Panahan tradisional (traditional archery) from Yogyakarta and many other types of sports. Sports also play important role in Indonesia tourism, for example through the International Pencak Silat Festival held in Padang, West Sumatra on 2018.

Dr. Brocard shared the condition of the sports from his country, USA. The majority of sports competitions in his countries are held between schools or universities, which is aimed to facilitate students in developing their potential. Several professional athletes in USA are born from an interest in the sport since their school or universities years, such as international swimmer, Michael Phelps and Michael Jordan from basketball. The professional sports competitions are usually held in the form of a league which is held by a club owner that participated in the competition. In the implementation of this league, they can choose who will be allowed to participate and this process prioritizes maximum income generating. This occurs because the owners are autonomous institutions.

From Europe, Dr. Giambattista explained that sport approach is performed through economic and social and cultural activities. In the history of sport system development in Europe, there was a case of opposition toward the sport system at the times, which is known as Bosman case. From the case, the authority learned on how to implement better sports event and provide freedom for athletes to decide on their career under the protection of regulation. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ratri Hapsari
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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