UNS – Two students of Local Literature Program Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Afiq Putra Pradana and Ilham Fajar, reported the result of their study on Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript on the Gamelan Inventory of the Surakarta Palace for 1900 Webinar entitled “The Philological Study of Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa Manuscripts”, Saturday (1/8/2020), through Google Meet.

The study on Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript is the result of Afiq Putra Pradana and Ilham Fajar observation during the internship in Radya Pustaka Museum Solo. Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript is a manuscript that contains an inventory of the Keraton Surakarta gamelan written in 1900 AD by Raden Tumenggung Harungbinang. In front of the webinar participants, Afiq Putra stated that currently, Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript that came from Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is being kept in Radya Pustaka Museum. Based on his observation, Afiq Putra considers the 120 years old manuscript is fragile. He also found that the ink in the Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript had penetrated with small holes in several pages.

Further, Ilham Fajar explained that in Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript consists of 112 pieces of paper, 120 pages have page numbers, 63 text pages, 57 blank pages, and 2 pages of table of contents. The manuscript is written in Javanese text, medium size, and cursive, recto-verso the distance between the characters is not too tenuous and not too tight. This manuscript is made from European paper and the language uses Jawa Krama (formal Javanese). In detail, the student of Local Literature Program FIB UNS explained the size and social function of Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript. The size of Sadaya Kagungan Dalem Gangsa manuscript is 32.2 cm x 19.3 cm, with the right margin of 4.1 cm, left margin 3.2 cm, top margin 4.7 cm, bottom margin 3 cm, and is 2.5 cm thick. The social function of the manuscript is as palace inventory data and the text has a social function as an inventory the name of gamelan. “It recorded the musical instruments in each set and the notes of where it is stored,” Ilham Fajar explained.

In addition to the physical details of the name and social function of the manuscript, Afiq Putra Pradana and Ilham Fajar, also found the year of production of Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat gamelans. Ilham Fajar stated that based on their finding, gamelan Kyai Kaduk Manis and Manis Rengga are the youngest gamelans produced during Pakubuwana IX era. They also found that several gamelans such as Kyai Sukasih and Pamedharsih are produced in Pakubuwana X era, Kyai Sukareno and Renasuka from Wreksadiningrat, Kyai Rumingraras and Rarasingrum from Pakubuwana X era and currently stored in Pura Pakualaman, and Kyai Pamiwalkung from Sutyakusuman. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yefta Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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