UNS — The Community Service Learning (KKN) Team Group 75 from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has successfully made a positive impact on improving the quality of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Krikilan Village, Kalijambe, Sragen. This was achieved through a work program that included registering the Business Identification Number (NIB), creating a website, creating product catalogs, increasing MSME branding, and providing accounting books to local village MSMEs, resulting in significant transformation.

Within a span of 45 days, the UNS KKN 75 students collaborated with the local MSME community to implement a series of programs aimed at strengthening the economic sector in the village.

Intan Febrianti, the leader of the UNS KKN 75, stated that one crucial step was the collaborative NIB registration process. NIB serves as the official identity for MSMEs, enabling them to access various incentives and government support.

Furthermore, the students also participated in designing and developing an official website for the MSMEs in Krikilan Village. With this digital platform, MSMEs have a space to promote their flagship products to a wider community.

“The website is designed with an appealing layout and comprehensive information, which assists MSMEs in building customer relationships,” Intan explained on Monday (28/8/2023).

The next program was the creation of a product catalog. In collaboration with local MSME practitioners, the KKN students developed a catalog showcasing a variety of products from each business.

This catalog not only helps MSMEs expand their market share but also provides the community with an overview of the available local products. In addition to digitization efforts, the KKN team also provided training on using accounting books for MSME actors.

By having well-organized accounting books, MSMEs can monitor cash flow and manage their finances more efficiently. This step aims to encourage more transparent and accountable financial management.

Intan added that the collaboration with local MSME actors further solidified the belief that innovation and technology can have tangible impacts on the economic development of rural communities. “We are delighted to see the positive changes happening in Krikilan Village through our KKN program. It is hoped that this collaboration will continue and provide valuable long-term benefits,” Intan added.

Through various digital innovations and concrete efforts to advance MSMEs, UNS KKN 75 has successfully demonstrated that collaboration between universities and communities holds significant potential for strengthening the local economy.

This program is expected to serve as an inspirational example for other regions interested in developing the MSME sector through a similar approach.


Reporter: Dwi Hastuti

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