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UNS Students Won Startup TOP Generation Challenge

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UNS – Three students of Engineering Faculty (FT) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Ratih Rachmatika, Sifa’us Wulaning Arsri and Muhammad Imam succeeded in creating SIAB, a clean air alert application which won 1st place at TOP Generation Challenge startup competition

Students of Engineering Faculty (FT) created SIAB

They are encouraged to create this application after knowing that frequent floods struck Bengawan Solo River. It causes the water turbid. Furthermore the water quality checking is also still done manually. According to Ratih, SIAB is application based on the Internet of Things (IoT) used to examine water quality and water distribution in real time.

SIAB tools is a work from engineering students

Ratih also explained that the tool consists of two features namely SIAB monitoring and SIAB distribution. SIAB Monitoring consists of several waterproof sensors such as pH sensors, temperature sensors, and turbidity sensors. Its function is to observe water quality on line. While SIAB Distribution consists of sensor flow meter to know the discharge and volume of water to detect leakage of pipes and calculate the cost of daily water consumption. The data obtained is sent to the server using WIFI connectivity, thus the user can monitor it through the smart phone application.

Creating SIAB application made them won the first prize in the TOP Generation Challenge event in Jakarta, Thursday (14/12/2017). Ratih, Sifa, and Imam succeeded in setting aside 1300 proposals from all over Indonesia which were then selected into 5 finalists for the startup and pre-startup categories.

Ratih, Sifa, and Imam won first prize at TOP Generation Challenge 2017

Ratih explained that their product will be me developed before being disseminated to the wider community.

“In the future we will develop digital recycling, more compact product packaging, and distribute this tool to areas experiencing clean water crisis, as well as cooperate with industry sector and big data development with NB IoT (Narrow Bands- Internet of Things )”, said Ratih. Humas-red.uns/Sav/Isn

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