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WPAP Design of UNS Student Enlivens EURO 2016 Celebration

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EURO 2016 Makes Gilang’s Works Go Worldwide

European Cup 2016 (UEFA EURO 2016) which has been being hold in France this year seizes the attention of football fans around the world. This great euphoria of once-in-four-years European football championship felt by people worldwide, including in Indonesia. This year, Indonesian people should not merely watch the matches, but they need to be proud because of having a creative teenager who creates a work as his contribution in supporting European Cup 2016.

Gilang’s works used as the can picture design of a beverage product. Source: instagram @cocacola_de

He is Gilang Bogy Indiana Saputra, a student from Economy and Business Faculty Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) Surakarta who successfully presents his work worldwide. Through his creativity, Gilang Bogy has made 24 photo designs of members of German national football team by using Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait (WPAP) design technique. WPAP is a design done by making straight lines to create cubical shapes and coloring based on its genuine lighting of the object without omitting the character of the picture. WPAP is early presented and well-known in Indonesia in 1990s.

As cited in metrotvnews.com, Gilang Bogy needs more less a month to get done the designs of Andre Schurrle and squad. Each picture of the player needs 4 hours to 2 days to be done, depending on its difficulties. The designs of German national football team done by Gilang now appear in the can of international beverage product distributed in German. This beverage product is one of the sponsorships of European Cup 2016. The beverage company was interested after seeing some of Gilang Bogy’s designs posted on his instagram account @gilangbogy. Shortly, he got an email offering a collaboration which then was agreed by him.

Gilang Bogy.

Gilang Bogy said that he knew WPAP technique in 2013 and decided to learn by himself through Facebook and WPAP discussion forums. Through these forums, his creativity gets improved so that he could win various design competition. Besides, he can also get design orders even from people around the world like Russia, Israel, Germany, and United State. [anggiayu.red.uns.ac.id]

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